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Have trouble poo-ing?

Monday, March 26, 2007 by Kelvin

Screw the previous entry.

I myself am counting down unknowingly. Gawd. How am I supposed to get through some 225 days doing things which I have absolutely no interest in (including slavery)? My life is at a standstill; I listen to the same tracks on my mp3 everyday, eat the same junk food every noon, play the same old DotA every night. Would someone get me a Playstation 3?

Due to such a humdrum existence, my voyeuristic self has begun to surface once again. Friendster and Facebook have become my new hobby, not forgetting scoops on Hollywood celebrities over at perezhilton and thesuperficial. Seriously, the latter is more of an innocuous humour site rather than a gossip one. An example:

A rep for E! has confirmed that Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton are going to be counseling overweight campers on the new season of The Simple Life.

"They are going to be camp counselors at one camp in the Southern California Mountains," says an E! spokesperson. "The camp has five different themes. Each week will be a different theme. And yes, one week is a weight loss/fitness camp. It's not a fat camp."

Because, really, who better to guide the fate of fat children than Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. They're gonna spend the whole time pointing and laughing and going, "Jesus, they're so fat!" And then Nicole Richie will say, "Oh my God, Paris, they can hear you." And then they'll laugh some more and Paris will laugh so hard she'll let out a little fart. And maybe a little poo will come out. Just a little. Because she's classy.

You too can have a little poo come out if you click here.

Friday, March 16, 2007 by Kelvin

Hello blog.

For the god-knows-how-many time, I am reviving this blog...

... if I can be arsed enough to update it religiously like how I play DotA. As much as I want to post pictures like what a million others are doing, I am not exactly a cam whore, unfortunately. The only camera I have is my K750i, which is basically considered an archaic gadget now that practically everyone has used it before.

I know of people who enjoy updating the number of days left to ORD. Thanks guys. I really needed to be constantly reminded of how many deaths I have to go through before I am finally liberated. For goodness sake, 250 days is NOT few. How comforting it is to see those figures popping up whenever I log on to MSN. STOP KIDDING YOURSELVES PEOPLE. WE STILL HAVE A LOOOOOOOOOOOONG WAY TO GO!!!

Ew. Deranged rantings on such a taboo topic just make me wanna throw myself off the staircase so that I can leave the ship for good.