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Saturday, May 20, 2006 by Kelvin

I survived one of the worst five minutes of my life.

I passed my swimming cat 1 test.

Initially, I wasn't all that hyped up to pass, until it was mentioned that cat 1 swimmers would get to enjoy yet another long weekend ahead - from Thursday til Sunday. Heck, I thought. Imma pass that bloody thing no matter what.

So there I was in the pool, floundering around and trying my darndest to keep myself from drowning. The five minutes then seemed like eternity. When I finally heard, "Remove your coverall and start making your float," I suddenly felt rejuvenated, realising that the five minutes of hell was over. Despite the legs of the coverall being turned inside out, I managed to right them after continuing to tread water in the pool for what seemed like another eternity.

Mission accomplished. No more remedial swim trainings. No more tortured early morning tekan sessions by the PTI and instructor. Booking in to camp will no longer be the bane of my life.

Sunday, May 7, 2006 by Kelvin

I've had 3 sessions of remedial swim training, and it sure as heck is an excuse by the instructors to vent their early morning frustrations on us. Because of the rst, I no longer find it ok to go back to camp.

NUS gave me my last choice. Kinda expected I guess. Ironically, I'd most probably be rejecting it when it was the course I'd thought I would end up in, all thanks to NTU who took me in despite my fugly grades. SMU didn't even bother. That's $15 down the drain. Hurhur.

One year and six months more to ORD, after that I'll get my life back. Hopefully.

James Blunt says it best:

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.