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Billy Connolly's "14 things I hate about everybody"

Thursday, December 29, 2005 by Kelvin

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.
I know where my watch is pal; where the fuck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to get off their arse to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.

3. When people say, "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too." Fucking right. What good is a cake if you can't eat it?

4. When people say, "It's always the last place you look."
Of course it is. Why the fuck would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?

5. When people say while watching a film, "Did you see that?"
No tosser, I paid 10 quid to come to the cinema and stare at the fucking floor.

6. People who ask, "Can I ask you a question?"
Didn't really give me a choice there, did you sunshine?

7. When something is 'new and improved!'.
Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.

8. When people say, "Life is short."
What the fuck? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever fucking has! What can you do that's longer?

9. When you are waiting for the busand someone asks, "Has the bus come yet?"
If the bus came would I be standing here, Knobhead?

10. People who say things like, "My eyes aren't what they used to be."
So what did they used to be? Ears? Wellington boots?

11. When you're eating something and someone asks, "Is that nice?"
No, it's really revolting - I always eat stuff I hate.

12. People who announce they are going to the toilet.
Thanks. That's an image I really didn't need.

13. McDonalds staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you are ordering.
It has to be a McChicken Burger - just a Chicken Burger get blank looks. Well I'll have a McStraw and jam it in your McEyes you fucking McTosser.

14. When you involved in a accident andsomeone asks, "Are you alright?" Yes fine thanks, I'll just pick up my limbs and be off.

I don't read FHM

Monday, December 26, 2005 by Kelvin

She's been to number one on technorati. Her beauty is (I think) matched by only a few. Meet Dawn Yeo Yang, the much talked about girl who got signed by Tinsel Management to work on MTV. People say she's plastic. I do not doubt so. Simply do a search on google and nine out of ten results yielded will lead you to the notorious scandal.

In gssq's entry about her, haters (both jealous and not) leave hurtful comments regarding her integrity and whatnots. Amidst the flaming, it is rare to find someone who defends her like no other:

Whatever she does or did in her life has nothing to do with you at any point of your life.

Do not use professional terminologies if you do not know what ground you're standing on. By law, she has no obligation to reveal any of her information or to be honest about her personal details in such occasion. Any gal who is approached by a guy doesn't need to hand him her no. just because he asked for it, understand?

Speaking of moral, she lied, or did she? To me it's more like she's trying to avoid answering the question, instead of saying a firm "NO". And on the other hand, you're as fugly as an animal wandering on street waiting for a chance to hurt others to get a tiny bit of pleasure. Sick bastard.

Everyone make mistakes no matter how wise they are, under immense pressure one might not be able to deal with an issue the way he/she hopes he/she can. Have you ever farted and you denied when ppl around you turned to you and all gave you that suspicious look? [Stop] here and think how she felt when the question first emerge and how you would deal with it if you were her.

It's so simple, if you're her close friend I can bet my dick that she'll admit that she had a surgery. Or else do you think she's dumb enough to use the same old blog after the surgery if she intended to cover everything up? Anyone who would spend 2 seconds thinking bout it could figure it out:
She did not expect the immense popularity and exposure.
She merely wanted to look prettier, just like how you wanted to buy a nicer shirt to make yourself looks a bit better, the only difference is the extent. And the extent to which how far one think is appropriate is one's matter, not others.

Grab a book or two on psychology and learn bout the real motive you do something, and understand how ugly you are, in so you can learn to be a better person.

Indeed, I feel it is none of our business what she says and does. Afterall, it's her life, not ours.

Go away

Saturday, December 24, 2005 by Kelvin

This is so fucking great.

My dad just threw away the cardboard box which used to house my new monitor. Now I can't even get it exchanged when I've already found faults with it. The thing is, I've instructed him not to throw it away so that any exchange is still possible. If you haven't already realised, I just paid 400 bucks for a problematic monitor.

Cheena mama

Friday, December 23, 2005 by Kelvin

Have you ever been told that you suck at speaking a particular language?

Most Singaporeans can speak in two tongues. The more linguistically-inclined ones can converse in three or four. Sad to say, I belong to the former group. I've tried learning spanish by reading the complete idiot's guide, but the las and los alone turned me off a great deal. (And believe me when I say that objects have genders in spanish.)

Back on track, someone told me that my mandarin sucked. It's no surprise actually, since it explains my Merit for Chinese oral at O Levels. To be honest, I was pretty offended. Duh, you might say, but I have seen people rejoicing over being lousy in mandarin/chinese. Basically, they seem deluded by the belief that flunking chinese automatically grants them proficiency in the english language, meaning that they think they are very ang moh pai and not cheena lor. Like wtf?

Being cheena carries a social stigma among many young people. Someone once told me that a person actually got laughed at when he spoke in mandarin in the school library. I was amused at how ludicrous some people can get. Granted that I do sometimes make fun of people, I do know when to draw the line. You can be cheena for all you want, but if we click, we can still be good friends. Some avoid cheena people like the plague, possibly because they reckon that mandarin will forever be a notch below the english language. I am so high-class because I speak english. What's your name? Xiao Ming? Don't you have an english name? Stay away from me, you cheena mama!

Of course, that isn't always the case. Some genuinely can't speak mandarin for nuts, and they feel more comfortable with people whom they can converse fluently with. Don't accuse me of being biased towards cheena mamas. Those who suck at english should brush up on the language too. I'm sure english teachers have been deafening us with their "english is the universal language" chants since primary one. All in all, learning a new language is always helpful. When antagonised by someone, you'd have a bigger arsenal of curse words, instead of the same old knnbccb.

I should be so lucky

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 by Kelvin

When Fortuna spins you downwards, go out to a movie and get more out of life.

Needless to say, Fortuna has long ago decided to mess with me. First, my gaming tv died. Next, my pc monitor followed suit. I have a bad feeling that the tv in the living room will refuse to cooperate soon. What's a boy to do?

I have, a few days ago, resigned to the fact that I will not get to enjoy my remaining days leading up to the date of enlistment. Then, things began to look up - my dad brought home a tv set for me to play my PS2 on. One problem solved. Just yesterday, I asked my sis to split cost for a new monitor and she agreed without even batting an eyelid. So today, I trotted off to get a spanking new Samsung monitor.

In other words, I got my life back.

Now, MSN messenger is trying to mess with me by disallowing me to sign in. Life sure is good, eh?

Siao or not?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 by Kelvin

I have published a similar entry like this before, but this is sort of a full version. No doubt his name is siaoboi living in siaoland, I feel he's pretty sane to come up with such an entry. At least more so than those targeted at in it.

Squash JTS

Sunday, December 11, 2005 by Kelvin

We JTS-ed last year. Now it's time to get our love reciprocated.

Initially, I wasn't too keen on going for I know very well that I have done practically nothing for my juniors. Turning up would only suggest that I was nothing more than a shameless bastard. However, turning up would also mean that I'd be getting free food. Why not? I cast my ego aside and went for it anyway. Late.

At the meeting place, I found out, to my amazement, that Alex was the sole representative of the entire J guys. A good sign, I thought. No hassle having to try to break the ice with an entire group of people. The girls were a different case though; considerably more of the Js turned up. Not a big deal, really, cos no one would actually notice me anyway. (I apologise for sounding like a sad bastard.)

Fast-forwarding to the pictures galore (do you really wanna know what we ate for steamboat?), the following are courtesy of Alex(ander) and yours truly.

Jiemin Me Alexander Alex

Girls J + S

Guys J (the only one, and yet Jiemin still had to cover part of his face) + S

Alex and uhh... Alex

If you like this picture, you are a sadist.

All the S (Why the racket is in my hand, I have no idea)


The sombreness on Alexander's face says it all, "Don't mess with my family."

The people at the table next to us were so hot - their aluminium foil caught fire for a grand total of 3 times.

Nair! Nair! Fire!

After dinner was pool time. Alex said he was a noob. I believed him. Guess what? I got owned. Like I'm not already used to it. Hah.

Me Jasmin

Eve's so touched, she's gonna break down and cry.

Alex is such a nice person. Go and win something for the team!

A pity I didn't get to take pictures alone with the junior girls. I thought they wouldn't like me since I acted like a complete idiot in front of them. Afterwards, Eve told me that they found my reaction to Alexander's magic (gasp!) cute. I hope it didn't mean ugly but adorable in this context.

I'm sorry this had to come before the prom pics. Go bug my sister to pass me the cable if you're still so adamant on seeing me at prom.

N.B. Regarding the second paragraph, if you actually took my word for it, I'd like to tell you that no, I did not go simply for the free food. I just didn't want to leave the team knowing absolutely no one junior at all.

Rafe, your wish is granted

Friday, December 9, 2005 by Kelvin

As you might have already guessed, this entry is about Survivor Guatemala (episode 13, to be exact). Reality tv has never been this interesting - superstitions now play a major role in determining the winner.

When Cindy won the reward (a spanking new Pontiac Torrent) challenge, she was presented with a dilemma. Quoting Jeff Probst, "In ten seasons of SURVIVOR, the person who has won the car reward has never, ever won the game." Jeff then gave her two choices: She could give up taking the car herself and instead give a new Pontiac Torrent to each of her tribemates.

Choose the latter, you generous souls might say. That was my instinctive reaction too, but given a few seconds to deliberate, I now beg otherwise.

Clearly, as Cindy had said in defending herself, people are not going to give you a million dollars because you gave them a car. If she did sacrifice her car to make the other 4 happy, she might be left with nothing should she be voted out in the coming tribal council, because not everyone is as selfless as how Rafe claimed he is. This was what he said:

"I never would have taken the car for myself."

Hello? Is this Survivor or Miss Universe? Give up a car and get booted out because you are such a pushover? No chance!

The way Rafe yammered on about how he would have granted everyone else the reward really made me question his intellect. If he was the one who had emerged victorious in the challenge (which I presume is 100% of what all others wanted), he would not have received the reward anyway. (Refer to the above line in bold for explanation.) So why did he still kick up a ruckus when he had got what he wanted? He claimed Cindy was a bigger threat than Danni and thus coaxed everone to vote her out. Let's assume that Cindy did give up her car. Would that have made her less of a threat then? I think not. Rather than explaining how big a threat Cindy was, maybe he should have simply said, "I hate Cindy for being such a selfish bitch. Let's kick her ass back to the zoo where she belongs."

Warning: Spoilers ahead
Therefore, it seems pretty apparent that Cindy's departure was inevitable. No doubt it was partly attributed to the jealousy from the other tribemates, and I think it's perfectly justified. Looking on the bright side though, she didn't lose it all. Maybe on the day when the results are revealed, she could drive her Pontiac Torrent and ram it into those who had trespassed upon her. What a way to end the season, eh?

Prom and Proper

by Kelvin

Glamour day is over. Photos are still in the process of uploading, so you'll just have to check back soon if you're so dying to see me.

A few people that I know of will no longer be considered civilians from today onwards. They are, in fact, a step closer to reaching adulthood, becoming real men that girls would kill to get close to (I hope). Though it's nearly impossible for any of them to be reading this right now, I still would like to wish them all the best in the next chapter of their lives.

As Panda said, "See you next year."

A list of my favourite Xiaxue counter-attacks

Thursday, December 1, 2005 by Kelvin

1. Chulalongkorn is a Thai university and has nothing to do with Taiwan... Please do your homework before even cracking a dumb joke!

Xiaxue says: I am shocked that you can spell! When you breathe, does stupidity ooze out?

2. If you act as cho chang people will puke to death in the movie. Disgusting.

Xiaxue says: It will be for a good cause if you puke yourself to death. I'm sure no one will object to that.

3. You are so BHB! my god. What a lousy director you are. So yucks. Beckham as Ron? Please la. Like he's far too old from radcliff and grint. And you as cho?! My god. I bet the boxoffice would not even screen the movie and DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DO A BETTER JOB THAN THE ORIGINAL CAST?! yucks.

Xiaxue says: What are you, 12? Kiddo, please stop reading my blog, it's for adults.

4. I think that you are really a bitch sometimes. Why don't you shut up and comment lesser!

Xiaxue says: Sorry... I didn't mean to be a bitch and I'll be good from now on.

5. By the way I still have a higher IQ than you...

Xiaxue says: But.. but... that's impossible because I don't even know what my IQ is, Mensa just said it's above 148.

6. Crap.

Xiaxue says: Careful not to step on it!


I have decided to delete what should have been here, simply because upon reading and re-reading what I have written, I felt that my point wasn't sufficiently lucid. Yeah, it's kind of beyond my ability to express myself clearly. Perhaps it's better that I stick to what I'm best at - crap - and not intellectual stuffs like what I had tried to do.
