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It's not good to hate

Friday, August 26, 2005 by Kelvin

'Sup people!

Yup, it's become all bright and cheery in here. I played around with the colour scheme, but the basic template is still there. As you may already know, the prelims are looming on the horizon, so expect more hiatus ahead.

Project Superstar is coming to an end, and at the moment, it's extremely rare to find someone who doesn't hate Kelvin / Wei Lian. Let me give you three simple reasons as to why you shouldn't hate him:

1. His name is Kelvin.
2. His voice is indeed deserving of his title.
3. It wasn't his fault that Junyang got out of the competition. Sure, Junyang is good, but for some unfortunate events he still lost. The fact that the producers didn't want to make known to the public the results of the voting sort of implies that much is going on behind the scenes. Wei Lian has his rights to join the competition as everyone else does. I bet if it wasn't Wei Lian but some other better-looking one who had beaten Junyang then people probably won't be causing such a great hoo-ha. From my point of view, it all boils down to him being blind and all. If that's really the case, then I hope those who hate him for his handicap get to go through it someday. Maybe then will they learn that it is hard for a person like him to chase his dream and then end up having to put up with everone else's nonsense. It takes a lot of a person to stay strong in a situation like this, and I feel that we should respect him for that.

Whoa, this is the first time I've spoken up for someone with such angst. But seriously, I wouldn't mind who wins this thing. Both finalists are winners in their own rights, and I'll give support to both of them.

Absolutely hilarious

Saturday, August 20, 2005 by Kelvin

If you can't stand huge chunks of words, this is the blog for you.

The Students' Sketchpad

Noticed the guest appearance by Xiaxue? For even better stuffs, don't forget to visit the archives!

Searching on friendster, but not for friends

Saturday, August 6, 2005 by Kelvin

Searching on friendster, but not for friends

I was browsing through Friendster due to the ennui of staring aimlessly at lecture notes, and look what I've found.

Popular searches in my network
mitsubitshi evo
find a girlfriend
Job Search
compatibility test
learn free magic tricks
nokia 6630
family name origins
tag heuer
baby phat clothing
tommy hilfiger swimwear

Some searches are completely understandable, but a search on finding a girlfriend? How desperate can one get? I clicked on the link (not that I couldn't find one on my own) and it actually yielded results.

PartnerFinder.com - Find Girlfriend
Join for free and gain access to more than 3 million singles. Search millions of profiles and photos. Find your match.

Well actually, it ain't so bad, considering the fact that far more traumatizing searches had appeared before. Fortunately they're all gone now, probably because it yielded zilch results and therefore they went on to more reliable search engines like Google. Yes people. Stick to conventional search engines for all your xxx searches. I'm quite sure people wouldn't want to know how deprived of sex you are when they log on to Friendster in search of a long-lost friend, only to see your desires under the popular searches. Gross.